Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Milk Worked

Lauren went to the doctor today and came home without a cast. He said that her x-rays looked great! The human body is an amazing thing. I don't know how anyone could doubt the existence of a God when you contemplate how miraculous a creation the body is and how it can heal itself.

Lauren was quite the pro at getting around with her casts. The last couple of weeks she has been walking around without her walker. Her ankle is pretty stiff so she hasn't wanted to try and walk without her cast. She tried for a little while with her walker. The doctor said that it will take a little while for the soreness to go away. We are supposed to go back in 2 weeks for a follow up and he said hopefully by then she will be feeling pretty good.

While Lauren was in her casts we kept telling her to drink lots of milk because it would help her bones grow back together. She's not a big fan of milk so that was hard for her. As we were walking out of the hospital today she started chanting "I got my cast off. The milk worked. I got my cast off. The milk worked." It was hilarious.

1 comment:

Jeanne Anderson said...

YEAH LAUREN! You are such a trooper. If you get too sick of milk, you can always move on to ice-cream. We love you kiddo! :)