Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bailey Night at the Twins

Last night Whitney's school choir got to sing the National Anthem at a Minnesota Twins game. Students and their families also get discounted tickets for the game so Todd took Whitney and Katelyn to the Twins game. They had to leave at the end of the 9th inning because it was already 10:00 o'clock. They were tied with the Texas Rangers when they left. The girls were glad to see in the paper this morning that the Twins won . . . in 12 innings. I'm glad Todd left when they did. One of the girls told Dustin that they were going to a baseball game and as they were leaving he was standing at the door crying and yelling, "I go too please". They had fun, unfortunately when they got in the car to leave they discovered that someone had broken into the car and taken Todd's Ipod and his laptop from work. The Ipod was in the glove box and the computer was in the trunk so it wasn't like they were just sitting out for anyone to see and the doors were locked. Just bad luck I guess. At least they didn't smash the window out like last summer when someone broke into my car. Anyway, here are some cute pictures. You can't see Whitney, but you get the picture and the other is of Katelyn and some of her friends in her class.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Warm is Relative

We have had a pretty cold and rainy spring this year (almost like we live in the Northwest), but the last week we finally had some sunny days with temperatures in the 70's. It is funny how as soon as the sun comes out and the snow melts our kids think that it is time for shorts. Lauren keeps asking if it is time to set up the swimming pool. Even Dustin makes a run for freedom any time we open the door.

Anyway, last Saturday the weather was okay. It was sunny, but only in the low 60's, and the kids were acting like it was the middle of July and scorching hot. They filled up water balloons and had a water fight in our backyard. They all came in with teeth chattering and asking for Hot Cocoa, but they had fun while it lasted. I guess to them 60 seems really warm compared to -20.

Spring Recitals 2008

This always seems like a busy time of year with all the concerts and school programs there are to attend. Whitney just had her Spring choir concert. She had a little solo part in the program and did a really good job. Katelyn was once again the appointed cameraperson and she got a picture of Whitney at the microphone, but instead of videotaping the solo we have a video tape of Katelyn's Littlest Pet Shop animals. I guess you get what you pay for.

Whitney and Katelyn had a piano recital last week. It was pretty low key. Their teacher only has 8 students which was great because we were in and out of there in about an hour including refreshments. This was Katelyn's first recital and she was very nervous. Nervous almost to the point of being physically sick (sounds a little like her mom) anyway she did her best and we were proud of her. Whitney also did a great job.

Here's a little quick funny (or not so funny) that happened after the recital. After we got home, Katelyn told me that she had a headache so I gave her some Tylenol and sent her to bed. About 15 minutes after she went to bed she came out and said that her tummy didn't feel so good. I told her to go stand by the toilet and I would go get her a bowl. When I came back downstairs she had indeed thrown up, all over the toilet seat. I guess in the future either I need to be more clear about puking in the toilet not on it, or I should just open it myself. I found out afterwards that she had eaten 4 or 5 cookies (not small cookies) after the recital along with some carrots and cheesecake. I think that the nerves and all that food didn't agree with her. This will definitely be a story to tell her kids.

Spring Break 2008

For Spring Break this year we decided to do a few fun things around home instead of taking a trip. We went bowling, to Nickelodeon Universe (formerly Camp Snoopy), to the Great Serengeti (an indoor waterpark) and we saw Horton Hears A Who. Todd was even able to take some time and do a few of them with us. I think that the waterpark was the highlight of the week. The park was small enough that Whitney and Katelyn could do whatever they wanted and we could still keep an eye on them. They had a little area with a small slide and some fountains that Lauren and Dustin liked. Dustin found a basketball and he played with that thing the whole time we were there. It doesn't take too much to entertain him, just a ball or some type of vehicle.