Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dustin's Birthday

Four short years ago Dustin joined our family and life hasn't been the same since (in a good way)! He is such a joy to have around. He is always happy and his endless energy keeps all of us on our toes, with never a dull day!

Dustin loves all things Star Wars so he got a lot of Star Wars related gifts which he entertained himself with all day long. He even had an R2D2 cake. Having a little boy is definitely different from little girls and I am glad, everyday, that we have the opportunity to experience both. We love you Dusty! Happy Birthday!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Kindergarten Graduation

Today was Lauren's kindergarten graduation. I can't believe how fast this year went by. Lauren has learned so much and she really enjoys school. She is an excellent little reader. Lately, she has been reading Junie B. Jones books with just a little help. Lauren is going to miss Mrs. Blake. We couldn't have asked for a better teacher. I wish all teachers could be as wonderful as her. All of this has me contemplating how fast our kids are growing up. Whitney will be a teenager in a few short weeks, Katelyn will be in the oldest grade in elementary next year, Lauren graduated from kindergarten and Dustin will be four on Sunday. I only have one more year left with Dustin before he goes to school too. I have to admit that when they were babies I never thought I would wish for time to slow down, but now I wish it would.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

King of the Jalapenos

We have a champion among us! Todd is the reigning "King of the Jalapenos"!! Yesterday was the annual Cinco de Mayo celebration in downtown St. Paul and Todd won the jalapeno eating contest. Todd competed last year and came in second (the kids still contend that the other guy cheated). No second place this year! He was interviewed by the Pioneer Press and a local TV station. Here is the picture from the online edition of the Pioneer Press and a picture of Todd with his trophy!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Todd's 5K

Todd has had a goal to run a 5K and last week (May 1st) he ran his first race. It was a chilly and very windy day, but that didn't stop him. He ran really well and it was fun to cheer for him and watch him come across the finish line. Nothing like a cup of water in the face!
There are Todd's legs crossing the finish line at just over 26 minutes!