Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

We had a wonderful Christmas yesterday and we hope all of you did as well. Amazingly enough all of our kids slept until aftef 7 a.m. except Whitney who was up at 5:30 begging to wake everyone else up. Todd and I had time to get up and shower and I even made cinnamon rolls before most of the family got up. Dustin had his deepest wish come true and he got a gun for Christmas. We decided that if he didn't have toy gun he just uses other things as pretend guns. He likes to walk around telling people to "stick them up". Santa brought Lauren a surprise. She got a scooter for Christmas and since we live in the frozen tundra she has been riding it back and forth across the kitchen. The most exciting thing for Whitney and Katelyn, and lets be honest about it Todd too, was the Wii. I think that we are the last people on earth to get one, but better late than never.

On Christmas Eve we had some friends over. We had a Mexican themed dinner with authentic tamales. We played some games and the kids acted out the Nativity. Lauren was a wonderful Mary. She wouldn't let anyone touch the baby Jesus. Dustin was a shepherd. We realize that shepherds didn't carry around toy cars, but we couldn't get him to put it down.

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