Monday, October 1, 2007

Lauren Update

Good news! Lauren saw the orthopedic surgeon on the 18th and after looking at her x-rays he decided she was ready for a shorter cast. Having her cast taken off was a little traumatic. The saw they use is a little scarry sounding, but as usual Lauren was a trooper. Not a single tear was shed. The doctor even took out her stitches once the cast was off and she didn't even flinch. The magic cast color this time is pink. She even got a pediatric walker and a boot for her cast so that when she feels like she is ready to put some weight on her leg she can. It has been a nice change. Now she can bend her leg at the knee so it is easier to carry her, she can sit on regular chairs, and best of all she doesn't need someone to hold her leg out straight while she sits on the potty.

Lauren thought that her boot was pretty cool since her daddy has one that is very similar to it. Yes, you read correctly. A couple of weeks ago Todd noticed that his foot was aching, but didn't think much of it. A few days later he could hardly walk. To make a long story short, Todd has a stress fracture in his foot. Thus the matching boots. Needless to say, we have had an interesting month.

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