Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Go Timberwolves!!

Last week Todd got 4 tickets to a Minnesota Timberwolves game at work. He ended up taking Whitney, her friend Eliza and Brad (a boy that he home teaches). I'm not sure how much of the game Whitney and Eliza watched, but they sure had fun. They each spent $8 for a "must have" foam finger and Whitney even got a high five from one of the players as he was going to the locker room. Go Timberwolves!! Todd took this picture with his camera phone so it is a little blurry, but still fun.

Also in exciting news, we have our very own Harry Potter. I spend all day pulling Dustin off of the counter, tables, chairs, beds and various other high places, and when he finally falls and cuts his head open he is standing on the floor. How does that happen? He had a little run in with the banister. Luckily he didn't have to have traditional stitches. They were able to use derma bond on it. It actually doesn't look too bad in this picture, but it was taken 5 days after the fact. Dustin is supposed to be a pirate for Halloween, but we have been contemplating a switch to Harry Potter!

Another quick funny about Dustin. On Saturday while I was running errands and Todd was doing yard work Whitney and Katelyn were supposed to be listening for Dustin to wake up from his nap. Katelyn heard him and went up to get him and he was standing at the door waiting for her. We thought maybe he fell out of his crib. Maybe I should say I was hoping he had fallen out of his crib and not climbed. No such luck! Last night I gave him a bath and put him in his crib while I went to go get him a sippy cup and while I'm in the kitchen here comes Dustin running down the hall. Todd thinks its time for a big boy bed, I think it is time for a taller crib.


cecily said...

ha, ha, ha...it's your turn now! You could buy a crib tent, but they are $80 and I've heard that they still only buy you a few months.

Jeanne Anderson said...

I'd say they've had about 4 turns! That is always so nerve racking when they finally figure it out. We are big fans of the toddler bed. Can't wait to see your Halloween pics of the kiddos!

Unknown said...

They're no Blazers, but the T-wolves game sounds like it was fun. We just lowered the bottom to Dax's crib because he was getting close to falling out, but I bet he'll be climbing out too soon, anyway.